
Showing posts from March, 2016


The worst thing I have ever experienced is loss. Three years ago I lost my dad and this year I lost myself. I've always had a sense of who I was or more like who I should be. Be a strong, happy girl who loves and serves the Lord. It doesn't seem like such a hard task until you realize you have to grow up too. Growing up means more difficult challenges and facing temptations. It means finally being tall enough for the roller coaster we call life. I wasn't prepared for the drop. One day, I was that strong, happy girl and the next I was the girl who lost her dad. It's hard to face such a tragedy and still keep a smile, but that's what I did. I remained strong but I had lost my happiness. Of course, God restored me but then I faced another challenge. Not only continuously grieving the loss of my dad, but moving into a new life. I should have relied on God but I was surrounded by others that I didn't know. I felt abandoned and as if no one else could understand my re...