Slow down
As a new driver I'm starting to learn new things, and I'm beginning to be more comfortable behind the wheel. I am more confident and I am bolder with the decisions I make while driving. One of my biggest battles I face while driving is the yellow light. I think to myself should I go for it, or should I stop? The other day while driving through a yellow light I had a thought. Isn't it funny how the yellow light means to slow down and to be cautious but most of the time we do the exact opposite. Instead of coming to a complete stop if possible we speed up in order to beat the red light we know is coming. Then I had another thought.. How many times do we do that in our spirit life? How many times does God gives us a yellow light and tells us to slow down but instead we speed up and rush into things? There have been many times in my life that I have not waited on God. I ignored his yellow light that is telling me to slow down and to trust him. I always feel that I have it unde...