That's A Wrap

Here's what happened...

This semester I struggled. I lost the strength and boldness that I know resides within me. I lost my confidence about who God says I am and about who God says He is. I lost the control I so desperately “needed” in my life. However, what I found was much greater than what I had lost. I found that even in the midst of my uncertainty, God was working. He was teaching me and speaking to me in ways I did not even recognize was Him. I found joy in the laughter of new friends. I found comfort in the multitude of encouragers that surrounded me. I found new qualities and traits about myself. I found out how to be okay with not knowing what the future holds (or at least trying to be okay with not knowing). I found that two of the most vital things that I need to do in this season of my life is to trust and believe

Trust and believe that God, the Writer of my story, is in control. That He will come through, not in my timing or in the way I think that He should, but in His timing and in His own pure and perfect way. 

Trust and believe because all of His promises are yes and amen. I don’t know how to not know but I do know that my uncertainty doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change God’s promises. It doesn’t change His plan. My uncertainty won’t make the answers appear any faster, but trusting and believing that the answers will come when they are suppose to changes everything. 

Uncertainty turns into hope. Hope leads to trust. Trust and belief go hand and hand. So I don’t know when God will lead me in a certain direction or answer all of my questions. I don’t know when it will all get easier. I don’t know when all of the things I’ve lost will be replenished. But I do know that God will never fail me. He didn’t promise that it would be easy, but He did promise to never leave. 

My first semester of college taught me a lot of valuable lessons. It absolutely did not turn out how I expected it to, but one of the most valuable lessons I've learned from my first semester of college is that it is okay to have expectations, but it is equally okay when they don't turn out how you expected them to.

I’m thankful for the expected and the unexpected. I’m thankful for all of the things I’ve lost and found this past semester. Even though it was challenging and stressful, it was also fun and transformative. I wouldn’t have wished to spend the last months of 2018 any other way because these months are what made 2018 great. 

In this next year, I’m going to trust and believe. 2019, let’s do it. 


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