Thinking Out Loud. . .Again
What if I started writing again and didn't tell anyone?
What if I let all the thoughts in my mind out and didn't care what anyone thought?
What if I expressed my creativity without hesitation?
What if I didn't run away from my passion?
What if I just thought out loud?
I started my blog at thirteen years old, shortly after my dad passed away. He and I shared the same love for writing, and I wanted a way to honor him---grieve him, too. As I read back on my older posts, I am both embarrassed and proud of myself. Mostly, proud. I've grown throughout the years. My craft has developed, and so has my life.
My dad often wrote about how he took breaks from writing for one reason or another, but he always came back to it. It was his way of being creative and releasing all of the thoughts, ideas, and innovation the Lord stirred up in his spirit.
I love reading through his old blog posts because there's still wisdom in his words to glean for today. As I read, I catch myself laughing at his jokes or stupidity, and crying at the hopes and dreams he had for his life. I would say his life got cut short, but I don't actually believe that. His legacy lives on---
The truth is I fall victim to overthinking every time I write. Currently, as we speak, I'm thinking to myself that I won't even publish this because it's not good enough or no one will read it.
But why?
Being creative isn't about being perfect (I'm going to write this on my mirror as a reminder). So maybe, I'll start sharing my thoughts again. This won't be hard to believe, but I actually do have a lot to say.
Stay tuned.
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